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Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  CSX reveals a Georgia Railroad heritage locomotive  Anonymous 06-26-2024, 18:36
  SMART Windsor extension grading started  nwp network 06-26-2024, 16:46
  Re: SMART Windsor extension grading started  FUD 06-26-2024, 17:03
  Re: SMART Windsor and SacRT Folsom Hole..someday.  San Juanton 06-26-2024, 17:18
  Re: SMART Windsor extension grading started  Leaveofabsense 06-27-2024, 18:54
  Re: SMART Windsor extension grading started- Track replacement? It's actually way cheaper in the long run, given the conditions in places like this...  BOB 06-27-2024, 20:26
  Re: SMART Windsor extension grading started  FUD 06-28-2024, 08:39
  Bring back the RDC and free enterprise  Big government is the enemy 06-28-2024, 09:22
  Re: Bring back the RDC and free enterprise? "Back to the Future IV"....  BOB2 06-28-2024, 09:47
  Re: Bring back the RDC and free enterprise  FUD 06-28-2024, 09:50
  SMART adds shuttle from Larkspur Ferry  the missing link 06-26-2024, 16:41
  Such a stupid 1/4 mile gap caused by poor leadership and NIMBYs  Disgusted 06-27-2024, 15:30
  Re: Such a stupid 1/4 mile gap caused by poor leadership and NIMBYs  John 06-27-2024, 16:35
  Re: Such a stupid 1/4 mile gap - RAISE TAXES!  Change Ordering.. 06-27-2024, 17:04
  Re: Such a stupid 1/4 mile gap - RAISE TAXES!  FUD 06-27-2024, 17:42
  Re: Such a stupid 1/4 mile gap - RAISE TAXES!  John 06-28-2024, 09:36
  Re: Such a stupid 1/4 mile gap - Yep, it was a couple dozen people that stopped progress for hundreds of thousands of folks stuck in traffic, as we've seen so often these days...  BOB2 06-28-2024, 10:02
  Just a note for shoppers  Commenter 06-28-2024, 11:24
  Re: Just a note for shoppers  BOB2 06-28-2024, 12:19
  This Blog has Forgotten SMART's History  Cosmo 06-28-2024, 20:26
  Re: This Blog has Forgotten SMART's History  John 06-30-2024, 21:14
  BNSF double stack on Cal-P WB  relentlesscactus 06-25-2024, 15:46
  Re: BNSF double stack on Cal-P WB  Dispatcher 257 06-26-2024, 15:04
  Re: BNSF double stack on Cal-P WB  Dispatcher 262 06-26-2024, 15:07
  Re: IDONTKNOWINPOA...NOWIKNOWIOANP  OU812 06-26-2024, 19:23
  Re: IDONTKNOWINPOA...NOWIKNOWIOANP  Ghost of E.H. Harriman 06-26-2024, 20:05
  Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity?  Edward Driscoll 06-25-2024, 14:12
  Re: Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity?  Hot Water 06-25-2024, 14:44
  Re: Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity?  BOB2 06-25-2024, 15:22
  Re: Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity?  FUD 06-25-2024, 20:59
  Re: Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity?  327 V8 06-26-2024, 10:35
  Re: Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity?  327 V8 06-26-2024, 10:44
  Re: AC compatibility  Clem 06-26-2024, 20:17
  Re: AC compatibility  FUD 06-26-2024, 22:21
  Well, No -- and Yes  Ernest H. Robl 06-25-2024, 21:26
  Re: Well, No -- and Yes  FUD 06-26-2024, 08:40
  Re: Well, No -- and Yes- And CARB's new H20 "health criteria" rules will save lives...  BOB2 06-26-2024, 10:13
  CARB rules save lives - not what you think  espee99 06-26-2024, 11:50
  Re: CARB rules save lives - not what you think  BOB2 06-26-2024, 13:35
  Re: Di-hydrogen oxide  Clem 06-26-2024, 20:02
  Re: Di-hydrogen oxide-Good to see Clem has joined us... Ah, the old NOX canard... Clever...  BOB2 06-26-2024, 21:11
  Re: Di-hydrogen oxide-Good to see Clem has joined us... Ah, the old NOX canard... Clever...  Dr Zarkoff 06-27-2024, 01:05
  Re: Power  Clem 06-26-2024, 19:40
  Re: This is the way  Clem 06-26-2024, 19:27
  Re: This is the way  FUD 06-26-2024, 22:18
  Re: This is the way  Dr Zarkoff 06-27-2024, 01:14
  Re: This is the way - more ruminations on batteries  FUD 06-27-2024, 07:39
  Re: Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity?  Dr Zarkoff 06-26-2024, 12:19
  Re: DC is so over  Clem 06-26-2024, 19:51
  Re: DC is so over  Dr Zarkoff 06-27-2024, 01:00
  Re: DC is so over  FUD 06-27-2024, 08:09
  Re: DC is so over unless you need to trip a signal..  Henry junior 06-27-2024, 15:44
  Re: DC is so over unless you need to trip a signal..  OERM fan 06-27-2024, 16:40
  Re: DC is so over unless you need to trip a signal..  Morgan Huntington 06-27-2024, 17:19
  Re: DC is so over unless you need to trip a signal..  OERM fan 06-27-2024, 21:02
  High frequency transformers in rail applications.  Commenter 06-26-2024, 12:20
  Re: Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity?  No. 06-26-2024, 17:36
  Re: Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity? Yep (foto)  Del Paso 06-28-2024, 13:10
  Re: Can a standard diesel locomotive run on overhead electricity? Yep (foto)  FUD 06-28-2024, 17:20
  California transit-rail officials kick off Valley Rail construction phase  Commenter 06-25-2024, 11:35
  Re: California transit-rail officials kick off Valley Rail construction phase-And?  BOB2 06-25-2024, 12:10
  Re: California transit-rail officials kick off Valley Rail construction phase-And?  FUD 06-25-2024, 13:06
  Re: California transit-rail officials kick off Valley Rail construction phase-And?  BOB2 06-25-2024, 15:06
  Re: California transit-rail officials kick off Valley Rail construction phase-And?  BOB2 06-25-2024, 12:10
  Iowa railroad museum had shut down due to flood damages  Anonymous 06-24-2024, 17:55
  Re: Iowa railroad museum had shut down due to flood damages  Hair on fire 06-24-2024, 18:04
  Stew's July U.S. High Speed Rail News 2024  Commenter 06-24-2024, 15:55
  Building HSR is ‘not for the faint-hearted.’ Here’s how to get started.  Commenter 06-24-2024, 14:28
  Nonsense  Gobbleygook 06-25-2024, 21:48
  Re: Nonsense? Yes!  Colocolorcall 06-25-2024, 23:42
  ZEMU train arrives in SB County  Commenter 06-24-2024, 13:41
  Re: ZEMU train arrives in SB County-"Oh the humanity....."  BOB2 06-24-2024, 13:53
  Lets tall about Amtralk  Espee99 06-24-2024, 10:09
  Re: Lets tall about Amtralk  Guadalupe Jose 06-24-2024, 10:17
  Re: Lets tall about Amtralk  Ernest H. Robl 06-24-2024, 10:30
  Re: Lets tall about Amtralk  Sgt. Joe Friday 06-24-2024, 10:41
  Re: Lets tall about Amtrak-Sad...  BOB2 06-24-2024, 10:49
  Re: Lets tall about Amtrak-Sad...  FUD 06-24-2024, 12:08
  Re: Lets tall about Amtrak  R Ruiz 06-24-2024, 12:21
  Why not take Caltrain and board at San Jose?  Melvin 06-24-2024, 16:31
  Re: Why not take Caltrain and board at San Jose?  R Ruiz 06-24-2024, 17:22
  Re: Lets "tall" (can I get a K?) about "Amtralk" (oops) - "OKJ" via SLO?  Bradley Rusty 06-24-2024, 11:51
  Re: Lets "tall" (can I get a K?) about "Amtralk" (oops) - "OKJ" via SLO?  FUD 06-24-2024, 12:15
  Re: Lets tall about Amtralk  Dr Zarkoff 06-24-2024, 12:25
  Re: Lets tall about Amtralk  Woof 06-24-2024, 12:51
  Let's talk about Amtrak.  Coast Starlight 06-26-2024, 17:34
  Re: Let's talk about Amtrak, Let's...?  BOB2 06-27-2024, 07:06
  Re: Let's talk about Amtrak, Let's...?  STOP THE HATE 06-27-2024, 20:59
  Re: Let's talk about Amtrak, Let's...?  Batman 06-27-2024, 21:11
  Re: Let's talk about Amtrak, Let's...?  BOB2 06-28-2024, 07:46
  California politicians and their battery locomotive and other rail project waste of tax funds  SMH 06-24-2024, 08:08
  Re: California politicians and their battery locomotive and other rail project waste of tax funds  Ron 06-24-2024, 09:46
  Re: California politicians and their battery locomotive and other rail project waste of tax funds  Oakland Mayor Tsing Tao 06-24-2024, 20:44
  Re: California politicians and their battery locomotive and other rail project waste of tax funds? Here's my take Ron...  BOB2 06-25-2024, 13:45
  Re: California politicians and their battery locomotive and other rail project waste of tax funds? Here's my take Ron...  FUD 06-26-2024, 09:00
  Re: California politicians and their battery locomotive and other rail project waste of tax funds? Here's my take Ron...  BOB2 06-26-2024, 12:31
  Re: California politicians and their battery locomotive and other rail project waste of tax funds? Here's my take Ron...  BOB2 06-26-2024, 12:34
  NWP Deck Obs "Redwood Empire" on #11 this morning  relentlesscactus 06-23-2024, 15:27
  Re: NWP Deck Obs "Redwood Empire" on #11 this morning  Bill 06-23-2024, 17:08
  Re: NWP Deck Obs "Redwood Empire" on #11 this morning  Espee99 06-23-2024, 23:22
  Re: NWP Deck Obs "Redwood Empire" on #11 this morning  Ruhroh 06-25-2024, 23:57
  I Rode the Craziest Trains in Japan  Commenter 06-23-2024, 14:16
  Amtrak - Gotta Love LordSigma  Boomers go Boom 06-23-2024, 11:18
  Re: Amtrak - Gotta Love LordSigma  david vartanoff 06-23-2024, 14:58
  Re: Amtrak - Gotta Love LordSigma  freep 06-23-2024, 18:31
  Where is Mudrock ??  No direct links 06-23-2024, 18:39
  Where is the middle ground?  El Gringo 06-23-2024, 19:34
  Here is the post  El Gringo 06-23-2024, 19:42
  Re: Here is the post  Mainstreeter 06-23-2024, 20:53
  Re: Here is the post 1969 MILW  Chris Walker 06-24-2024, 16:53
  Re: Where is the middle ground? Price equals marginal cost?  BOB2 06-23-2024, 22:58
  Re: Amtrak - Gotta Love LordSigma  Ghost of E. Hunter Harrison 06-26-2024, 17:38
  "Do You Prefer 'Mentally-Ill' or "Drug Smuggling'?"  Albuquerque Jose 06-24-2024, 08:43
  Re: "Do You Prefer 'Mentally-Ill' or "Drug Smuggling'?"-What does the mentally ill sexual predator troll prefer?  BOB2 06-24-2024, 08:56
  Re: "Do You Prefer 'Mentally-Ill' or "Drug Smuggling'?"  Albuquerque Jose 06-24-2024, 09:11
  Re: "Do You Prefer 'Mentally-Ill' or "Drug Smuggling'?" Nope, your'e the mentally ill sexual predator TOMN all right...  BOB2 06-24-2024, 09:25
  Re: "Do You Prefer 'Mentally-Ill' or "Drug Smuggling'?" Nope, your'e the mentally ill sexual predator TOMN all right...  Albuquerque Jose 06-24-2024, 10:11
  Re: "Do You Prefer 'Mentally-Ill' or "Drug Smuggling'?" How much meth have you consumed this morning?  BOB2 06-24-2024, 10:17
  Good 2 have LordSig & Typhoon as voices of reason there. Not good to have LongLive as the bully troll living under the TO bridge  Melvin 06-24-2024, 16:09
  Re: Good 2 have LordSig & Typhoon as voices of reason there. Not good to have LongLive as the bully troll living under the TO bridge  Loon 06-24-2024, 18:29
  At Least The Brits Know What's Important and What Isn't  The Fat Controller 06-23-2024, 10:02
  SP 7399's current whereabouts?  Railfan of SP 7399 06-23-2024, 03:57
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  Gillette 06-23-2024, 07:25
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  . 06-23-2024, 08:17
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  BUGX CEO 06-23-2024, 09:18
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  Anonynous 06-23-2024, 09:37
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  Ghost of E.H. Harriman 06-23-2024, 14:37
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  Chris Walker 06-23-2024, 16:59
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  Loco Fan 06-24-2024, 09:15
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  Roster geek 06-24-2024, 13:52
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  LocoNotes 06-24-2024, 15:30
  Re: SP 7399's current whereabouts?  your mom 06-26-2024, 17:40
  California High Speed Rail: What has happened this year?  Commenter 06-22-2024, 20:32
  Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-fifty-eighth Installment  D. B. Arthur 06-22-2024, 18:13
  What It Looks Like Now  D. B. Arthur 06-22-2024, 18:17
  Trains mag. in the b&w days  Les Ismoar 06-22-2024, 17:11
  Re: Trains mag. in the b&w days  Bruce Kelly 06-22-2024, 18:28
  Re: Trains mag. in the b&w days  George Andrews 06-22-2024, 19:50
  Re: Trains mag. in the b&w days  WAF 06-22-2024, 21:14
  Lowlife Looting Train.  Ya Think? 06-22-2024, 15:52
  Re: Lowlife Blank Toob link.  Sun Sea 06-22-2024, 16:12
  Re: Lowlife Looting Train.  Loss Department 06-22-2024, 17:29
  Re: Lowlife Looting Train.  ! 06-22-2024, 17:42
  Re: Lowlife Looting Train.  BOB2's Proctologist 06-22-2024, 20:30
  Re: Lowlife Looting Train. Are you playing doctor with yourself again on a train chat board?  BOB2 06-23-2024, 01:34
  Re: Lowlife Looting Train.  Wary 06-23-2024, 13:14
  Man shot and killed on Metro train in South Los Angeles  <> 06-22-2024, 05:35
  Re: Man shot and killed on Metro train in South Los Angeles  PHall 06-22-2024, 05:55
  Re: Man shot and killed on Metro train in South Los Angeles  ! 06-22-2024, 07:36
  Re: Man shot and killed on Metro train in South Los Angeles  TOMN 06-22-2024, 08:30
  Re: Man shot and killed on Metro train in South Los Angeles- Not South Los Angeles, ran onto trains to get away from people chasing him....  BOB2 06-22-2024, 09:15
  Re: Man shot and killed on Metro train in West Los Angeles  BOB2 and El Trolio's Drinking Buddy 06-22-2024, 10:08
  Re: Man shot and killed on Metro train in West Los Angeles-As long as it gets you off. that's all you really care about.....  BOB2 06-22-2024, 10:13
  Re: Man shot and killed on Metro train in West Los Angeles-As long as it gets you off. that's all you really care about.....  B00B 420 06-22-2024, 10:18
  Re: Man shot and killed on Metro train in West Los Angeles-As long as it gets you off. that's all you really care about.....  BOB2 06-22-2024, 12:37
  Bob2 killed train chat board-As long as Bob2 gets off, that's all nobody really cares about.....  JERK ALERT 06-22-2024, 16:33
  Re: Bob2 killed train chat board-As long as Bob2 gets off, that's all nobody really cares about.....  B00B 420 06-22-2024, 16:40
  What is the cost to tax payers this time, Million? More?  Bob 7734 06-22-2024, 18:06
  Same troll, different Bob handles!  Sheesh! 06-22-2024, 18:37
  Re: Same troll, different Bob handles! Yep....  BOB2 06-22-2024, 19:36
  Re: Same troll, different Bob handles! Yep....  it's all about Bob 06-22-2024, 19:48
  Re: Same troll, different Bob handles! Yep....  BOB2 06-22-2024, 20:04
  Re: Same troll, different Bob handles! Yep....  Ron 06-23-2024, 08:42
  Re: Same troll, different Bob handles! Yep....  World's Smallest Violin 06-23-2024, 09:10
  Re: Why does Ron or anyone else have to change their lives to please as mentally ill psychopathic pervy troll like you? Why don't you just go to a site where you can find real love?  BOB2 06-23-2024, 09:50
  Wreck: Thousand Palms, CA, 1979  photo post 06-21-2024, 21:02
  Re: Wreck: Thousand Palms, CA, 1979  photo post 06-21-2024, 21:15
  Re: Wreck: Thousand Palms, CA, 1979  Rule 101proof 06-22-2024, 17:30
  Re: Wreck: Thousand Palms, CA, 1979  Keep your nose clean 06-22-2024, 20:56
  Re: Wreck: Thousand Palms, CA, 1979  relentlesscactus 06-23-2024, 15:34
  Re: Wreck: Thousand Palms, CA, 1979  Just Sayin'... 06-22-2024, 20:09
  Re: Wreck: Thousand Palms, CA, 1979?  BOB2 06-23-2024, 02:02
  Re: Wreck: Thousand Palms, CA, 1979?  The Mystery Trainmaster 06-23-2024, 08:33
  Re: Wreck: Thousand Palms, CA, 1979? Did it get the TOMN off?  BOB2 06-23-2024, 09:01
  It is a Bad Day at Black Rock  J 06-26-2024, 07:55
  Location: Truckee, Norden, or Shed #_?  photo post 06-21-2024, 20:53
  Re: Location: Truckee, Norden, or Shed #_?  Mike Pechner 06-21-2024, 22:31
  Re: Location: Truckee, Norden, or Shed #_?  WAF 06-22-2024, 21:20
  Re: Location: Truckee, Norden, or Shed #_?  Lite Brite 06-25-2024, 06:47
  State/Sand Francisco Belt Railroad  4 stroke inline 6 heart 06-21-2024, 15:58
  Re: State/Sand Francisco Belt Railroad  NOPE! Awful RR trash! 06-21-2024, 18:06
  Re: State/Sand Francisco Belt Railroad  Ron 06-21-2024, 20:13
  Re: State/Sand Francisco Belt Railroad  To Ron 06-22-2024, 17:23
  Re: State/Sand Francisco Belt Railroad  Bill 06-23-2024, 17:17
  Meanwhile, for folks who come to AP for things they actually like, trains-The LA Link EiS has been released.  BOB2 06-21-2024, 13:31
  "..open house and public hearing will be held on July 9, 2024 for the Link Union Station (Link US) Project"  ACTUAL TITLE 06-21-2024, 14:58
  Re: "..open house and public hearing will be held on July 9, 2024 for the Link Union Station (Link US) Project"  BOB2 06-21-2024, 15:21
  Hey Actual TOMN, I've seen nothing saying the run through tracks have been removed  Still there, just 2 instead of 4 06-21-2024, 15:23
  Re: Hey Actual TOMN, I've seen nothing saying the run through tracks have been removed  FUD 06-23-2024, 07:47
  Re: Meanwhile, for folks who come to AP for things they actually like, trains-The LA Link EiS has been released.  Clem 06-21-2024, 19:36
  Re: Meanwhile, for folks who come to AP for things they actually like, trains-The LA Link EiS has been released.  Narrator 06-22-2024, 19:30
  Re: Meanwhile, for folks who come to AP and get an A in transportation planning.  BOB2 06-23-2024, 15:32
  Re: Meanwhile . . .  B00B 420 06-24-2024, 06:18
  Re: Meanwhile . . . Let's hear from the mentally ill sexual predator troll who gets himself off by trolling a train chat board?  BOB2 06-24-2024, 07:20
  Re: Meanwhile . . .  B00B 420 06-24-2024, 07:37
  Re: Meanwhile . . . Another post from the mentally ill sexual predator who trolls AP?  BOB2 06-24-2024, 07:52
  Re: Meanwhile . . .  B00B 420 06-24-2024, 08:18
  Re: Meanwhile . . . More from the mentally ill sexual predator? Is there a new supply of meth in town?  BOB2 06-24-2024, 08:22
  Amtrak -- just another sleezy corporation?  American moral decay 06-21-2024, 09:17
  Re: Amtrak -- just another sleezy corporation?  Hunter Biden 06-21-2024, 09:45
  The East Palestine Derailment Was Far Worse Than Expected  Tarl Warwick 06-21-2024, 06:27
  No it wasn't. More hyperbolic nonsense for political reasons. It's the arsenic scare again.  Narrator 06-21-2024, 15:16
  Maybe if Buttboy Bootyjuice would demand an extra crew on the rear DPU this never would have happened  Union Conductor 06-22-2024, 05:41
  Manned DPU  anon 06-22-2024, 07:58
  Re: Manned DPU  Guest 06-22-2024, 09:41
  Re: Manned DPU  Hot Water 06-22-2024, 09:47
  Re: Manned DPU  John 06-22-2024, 13:02
  Re: Manned DPU  Guest 06-22-2024, 19:17
  Re: The East Palestine Derailment Was Far Worse Than Expected  The Unprofessional Iconoclast 06-22-2024, 08:42
  Re: The East Palestine Derailment Was Far Worse Than Expected  Hogger 06-22-2024, 18:14
  Re: The East Palestine Derailment Was Far Worse Than Expected  Guest 06-24-2024, 08:10
  Two ALCO diesel locomotives have been sold to the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad  Anonymous 06-20-2024, 18:08
  Re: Two ALCO diesel locomotives  See-Nick Railroad 06-20-2024, 20:25
  Re: Two ALCO diesel locomotives  Hot Water 06-21-2024, 05:02
  Re: Two ALCO diesel locomotives  too many a$$holes 06-21-2024, 07:49
  Re: Two ALCO diesel locomotives  Hot Water 06-21-2024, 08:07
  Re: Two ALCO diesel locomotives  gratefull to 1 a$$hole 06-21-2024, 08:12
  Re: Do you really have more than one...?  BOB2 06-21-2024, 08:19
  Re: Do you really have more than one...?  The occasional angler 06-21-2024, 08:27
  Re: Do you really have more than one...?  George Andrews 06-22-2024, 20:16
  Poking around Dunsmuir  Ron 06-20-2024, 16:54
  Re: Poking around Dunsmuir  Just Sayin'... 06-22-2024, 20:20
  Re: Poking around Dunsmuir  Ron 06-22-2024, 20:54
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