Detours through the Feather River Route today???
Author: Coleman Randall
Date: 03-27-2015 - 02:27

Apparently, due to the derailment in Nevada some 60 miles east of Reno on the Overland Route there are detours of trains (including Amtrak) being conducted through the Feather River Canyon. Anyone seen any movements and/or obtained any interesting photos of this event?

How long is the detour expected to last?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Detours through the Feather River Route today??? Coleman Randall 03-27-2015 - 02:27
  Re: Detours through the Feather River Route today??? DA 03-27-2015 - 04:27
  Re: Detours through the Feather River Route today??? George Andrews 03-27-2015 - 20:23

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