Tehachapi Derail?
Author: Mr Misser
Date: 08-19-2015 - 22:32

Early this evening, without radio nor camera, I paced a four unit BNSF train east along Edison Hwy from Comanche Rd to Tower Line Rd, then took Hwy 58 east to Tehachapi in time to see the end of a west bound train pass the depot with a foreign road DPU. Further east there was a two unit BNSF west bound bare table sitting at Summit and further east a UP east bound with the units stopped at the ?bridge structure west of Monolith.

Then I got home and was informed there was a derailment at Cliff.

Any Updates?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Tehachapi Derail? Mr Misser 08-19-2015 - 22:32
  Re: Tehachapi Derail? ble692 08-20-2015 - 20:22

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