UP LA Service unit family day September 30th
Author: Jason
Date: 09-18-2017 - 09:42

September 30th will be UP family day!
OREM choo choo day for families of UP LASU employees at Perris Calif.

Come on down and meet all ya favorite TEY personnel. You can come to Jim Speaker and Tommy J. Brian Siebert would love to meet you along with Jerry Feetum.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Jason 09-18-2017 - 09:42
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Mat 09-18-2017 - 20:28
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th USS Enterprise 09-18-2017 - 21:12
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Memo Man 09-19-2017 - 12:25
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Mel 09-19-2017 - 17:30
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Tommy J 09-19-2017 - 19:31
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Tom3751 09-19-2017 - 13:11

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