Top Ten Little Known Facts about Altamont Press Website
Author: David Letterman
Date: 03-22-2020 - 16:09

10) Todd Clark used to post as T. Judah
9) Mike Pechner and the weather? Doesn't Know - Doesn't Care
8) Doyle McCormick is a lurker
7) BOB2 & Synonmouse? They're The SAME GUY !
6) Carol Voss worked her way through College as a Sherpa Guide in the Himalayas.
5) Those wooden train whistles are all tested by a Cambodian chain smoker with a wet, hacking cough
4) Every mouse click is a loss of five brain cells
3) Jim Speaker is scared of heights
2) Drew Jacksitz died of lead poisoning
1) I'm not really David Letterman

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Top Ten Little Known Facts about Altamont Press Website David Letterman 03-22-2020 - 16:09
  Re: Top Ten Little Known Facts about Altamont Press Website This one goes to 11 03-23-2020 - 10:06

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