movie/tv car versus train crashes
Author: scottyboy
Date: 01-18-2022 - 21:55

I was wondering if it was just me on this observation.
In the movies and on tv that when a car or truck is hit by a train, it seems like the train never stops and keeps on going like nothing happened.
Even the 1980's movie 'Blue Thunder', towards the end, the helicopter is purposely parked on some railroad tracks in front of a moving train so the helicopter is destroyed. I remember the train did not stop and kept on going.
Has anyone else noticed this?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  movie/tv car versus train crashes scottyboy 01-18-2022 - 21:55
  Re: movie/tv car versus train crashes . 01-18-2022 - 23:04
  Re: movie/tv car versus train crashes Wendy Suit 01-19-2022 - 10:29
  Same with Back to the Future 3 .......... 01-19-2022 - 15:50
  Re: Same with Back to the Future 3 George Andrews 01-19-2022 - 16:40
  Re: Same with Back to the Future 3 JR 01-20-2022 - 11:19

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