Submitted For Your Approval - One-hundred Twentieth Installment
Author: D. B. Arthur
Date: 08-15-2022 - 00:03

Here's a photo I took on August 24, 1996, TWENTY-SIX YEARS AGO, while making my way across the UP Hoisington and Council Grove Subdivisions, former Missouri Pacific properties that have either been downgraded to branchline status, are dormant, or are abandoned. From Herington to North Topeka I rode on a section of the former Rock Island Golden State route and then from North Topeka I rode the UP Marysville Subdivision, where I disembarked from the train while we were waiting for a red signal at Control Point Z 10 on the outskirts of Kansas City. This way, I avoided all of the attention and potential hassles of riding into a major yard. There was good highway access next to CPZ 10 where I summoned a taxi to take me to a motel. The next day I made my way to Mid Continent International Airport (MCI) and flew home.

Here's a GOOGLE streetview pic of what the area looked like in April of 2019 around CPZ 10.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Submitted For Your Approval - One-hundred Twentieth Installment D. B. Arthur 08-15-2022 - 00:03
  Re: Submitted For Your Approval - One-hundred Twentieth Installment Peter D. 08-15-2022 - 17:11
  Re: Submitted For Your Approval - One-hundred Twentieth Installment D. B. Arthur 08-15-2022 - 20:52
  Re: Submitted For Your Approval - One-hundred Twentieth Installment Peter D. 08-16-2022 - 09:51
  Re: Submitted For Your Approval - One-hundred Twentieth Installment D. B. Arthur 08-16-2022 - 17:35

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