Upate on Winterail Weather courtesy Carol Voss
Author: Mike Pechner
Date: 03-06-2007 - 17:31

The ever popular, beautiful, charming and intelligent Carol Voss reminds me to tell folks coming in for WINTERAIL weekend will be unseasonably warm weather in Stockton and in the Sierra. Donner will be in the low to mid 50's with lots of sun and nearly 7 feet of snow on the ground. On Saturday. the temperature will be in the upper 70's to near 80. Nice and toasty for the dwellers in the upper rows of the theater. P.S---Carol was on of the few lucky ones to ride the #844 and #3985 in May of 1995 on its historic westbound trip thru Tunnel #41 when the AC-44 helper died and the two steamers lugged the 1800 ton train up thru the Big Hole nearly frying Steve Lee and his crew....ask her about the details!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Upate on Winterail Weather courtesy Carol Voss Mike Pechner 03-06-2007 - 17:31
  Re: Upate on Winterail Weather courtesy Carol Voss Carol L Voss 03-06-2007 - 21:23
  Winterail Railroad Location Viewing Personal Safety Questions Coleman Randall 03-07-2007 - 04:55
  Re: Winterail Railroad Location Viewing Personal Safety Questions 123 03-07-2007 - 07:16
  Re: Winterail Railroad Location Viewing Personal Safety Questions Tony Czuleger 03-07-2007 - 07:51
  Re: Winterail Railroad Location Viewing Personal Safety Questions JMann 03-07-2007 - 14:43
  Re: Winterail Railroad Location Viewing Personal Safety Questions CPRR 03-08-2007 - 10:47
  Re: Winterail Railroad Location Viewing Personal Safety Questions Dave Potter 03-07-2007 - 08:34
  Re: Winterail Railroad Location Viewing Personal Safety Questions John Sweetser 03-07-2007 - 22:23
  Re: Winterail Railroad Location Viewing Personal Safety Questions Jimmy 03-07-2007 - 21:27
  Re: Upate on Winterail Weather courtesy Carol Voss Mike Pechner 03-07-2007 - 10:31
  Re: Upate on Winterail Weather courtesy Carol Voss Rock Basso 03-09-2007 - 00:43
  Re: Upate on Winterail Weather courtesy Carol Voss Craig Tambo 03-09-2007 - 15:45

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