Amtrak specials?
Author: El Cheapo
Date: 11-11-2023 - 09:25

I see an ad now, Seattle - Portland: $22. LA - Portland: $82. (Some restrictions apply).

This is cheaper than the 1980s. Why is Amtrak giving away seats right now? Do loss leaders really work? Like one 2 liter Pepsi, $0.99. So you go there and buy a $5 head of lettuce, etc?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Amtrak specials? El Cheapo 11-11-2023 - 09:25
  Re: Amtrak specials? Fine China dining 11-11-2023 - 12:35
  Re: Amtrak specials? Just Wondering... 11-11-2023 - 13:50
  Re: Amtrak specials? Professor Needmore Butzinseetz 11-11-2023 - 16:12

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