Gold Line connection at Citrus College being installed...
Author: BOB2
Date: 04-06-2024 - 09:43

Meanwhile, for Second District fans, here's the latest installment of Gold Line construction photos...

Next Spring, you will be able to take the "Chief" from Pasadena to Pomona again, and ride back home on your bikes....

connecting the Pomona extension begins...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Gold Line connection at Citrus College being installed... BOB2 04-06-2024 - 09:43
  Re: Gold Line connection at Citrus College being installed... professor plum 04-06-2024 - 13:57
  Re: Gold Line connection at Citrus College being installed... Gold Bum 04-08-2024 - 15:17
  "at Citrus College being installed..." GOLD BUM 04-08-2024 - 15:24

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