Here is an EBay business I don't like
Author: ATTN Copyright Cop guy
Date: 07-28-2024 - 19:08

Sigh. This is kind of sleezy. Someone is selling photographic prints of another photographer's photos they found on the internet.

Here he is selling prints of a Roger Puta photo.

Here is the original Roger Puta image on Flickr:

I highly doubt the seller has rights to images, but I could be wrong.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Here is an EBay business I don't like ATTN Copyright Cop guy 07-28-2024 - 19:08
  Re: Here is an EBay business I don't like Mr. Cynical 07-28-2024 - 22:39
  Re: Here is an EBay business I don't like Chris Walker 07-28-2024 - 23:31
  Re: Here is TROLL business I don't like Roger Over 07-29-2024 - 06:24
  Re: Here is TROLL business I don't like Kopyright Kop 07-29-2024 - 10:39
  Re: Here is TROLL business I don't like clepsydra 07-29-2024 - 18:50
  Re: Here is TROLL business I don't like BOB2 08-01-2024 - 12:13
  Re: Here is TROLL METH MARATHON BOB2 08-01-2024 - 14:35

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