Re: BART extension to Silicon Valley gets $5 billion federal boost- It's an embarrassment of gold-plated waste, and????
Author: BOB2
Date: 08-03-2024 - 14:23
Clem Wrote:
> According to FTA figures, the Inglewood people
> mover stood at $469,502 per new rider, just about
> 20% more than the (far larger) BART project.
> The Caltrain extension to downtown SF stands at
> $172,000 per new rider.
> For comparison, world-class projects like London
> Elizabeth Line, Paris Grand Express or New York
> 2nd Av subway typically come in around $30-40k per
> new rider.
Gee, I wonder how this happens.
If we don't steal enough taxpayer money to feed the poor starving contractors with these kind of gold-plated record-breaking wasteful projects like the VTA extension and SOFI, who is going to fund our local political campaigns?