Re: Yep, this is your Life on meth....
Author: BOB2
Date: 01-01-2025 - 07:31

National Observer Wrote:
> BOB2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And speaking of twelve-year-olds who never grew
> up, pushing shopping carts, and living in mom's
> basement, it must be time to wish a "Happy" meth
> fueled New Years to the hate filled, sick, and
> useless TOMN. Does the useless TOMN really need
> more drugs tonight to have the courage it takes
> for a mentally ill troll to post all of your sick
> hate filled crap?
> Maybe he (or she) is doing it just to see if it
> will prompt a reaction from you. If that's the
> case, his/her efforts worked like a charm.
> And why do you always feel a need to make the
> titles of your responses so long?
> You have issues.

Maybe, you're just high on meth tonight and posting in your "indignant" mentally ill troll persona?

And maybe, "he" (or "she") or "you" are just a confused twelve-year-old who never grew up and trolls a train chat board with this kind stuff, who just can't make up "your" mind when "you" have done this much meth?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile, for folks who like trains and the old ATSF Second District in particular- A year in review.... BOB2 12-31-2024 - 17:01
  Life on non-interurban-equipment...need more drugs to stand the awful seats! New D.A. will take time.. 12-31-2024 - 19:00
  Re: Yep, this is your Life on the non-interurban equipment, and meth. The meth head hate filled TOMN needs more drugs to have the courage it takes to post about how much he really hates himself? BOB2 01-01-2025 - 00:28
  Re: Yep, this is your Life . . . BLAH BLAH BLAH National Observer 01-01-2025 - 02:38
  Re: Yep, this is your Life on meth.... BOB2 01-01-2025 - 07:31
  Re: Yep, this is your Life on meth.... Curly the Douche 01-01-2025 - 08:04
  Re: Yep, this is your life. Mercy 01-01-2025 - 08:23

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