Storm light shot on Donner
Author: Adm Pizante (sacrailfan)
Date: 02-01-2010 - 09:34

Here is a shot of mine from Railroads Ill. "A Day North America 2009" that did not make it in the DINA issue. The issue is now out, so here is my best shot of that day. I want to see what you all think of it. Here is the link, good day! []

Adam Pizante

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Storm light shot on Donner Adm Pizante (sacrailfan) 02-01-2010 - 09:34
  Re: Storm light shot on Donner Marty Bernard 02-01-2010 - 19:39
  Re: Storm light shot on Donner Adm Pizante (sacrailfan) 02-01-2010 - 22:55
  Re: Storm light shot on Donner Dr Zarkoff 02-03-2010 - 18:43
  Re: Storm light shot on Donner KTD 02-04-2010 - 11:55

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