Railwork Near Coast Guard Island
Author: Chad
Date: 02-03-2010 - 21:59

While passing Coast Guard Island (within Alameda-Oakland CA estuary), there was a UP work crew that appeared to be changing out rail segments. The rail was cut with a load of grain cars. The fence was shut at the grain terminal, but had a loco at the facility. The tank car was at the olice oil distribution warehouse (if that is what it is) like normal, but "embargoed in" you could say with the rail being cut.

Anyone have the scope on this project? Any relation to the roadwork on I-880?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Railwork Near Coast Guard Island Chad 02-03-2010 - 21:59
  Re: Railwork Near Coast Guard Island OPRRMS 02-05-2010 - 19:47

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