Wauna, Oregon
Author: jesse
Date: 04-10-2010 - 17:41

Anyone know when Portland & Western runs to Wauna? A couple times a week? What are they moving there? Do they go to Rainier 5 days a week, or more?
And where is the slide over the tracks - how far past Wauna? I saw the spine flats that were stranded there but did not see the slide itself...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Wauna, Oregon jesse 04-10-2010 - 17:41
  Re: Wauna, Oregon Arlen Sheldrake 04-10-2010 - 19:50
  Re: Wauna, Oregon Joshua Kind9 04-11-2010 - 00:19
  Re: Wauna, Oregon Curtis R. Milburn 04-11-2010 - 15:00

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