Does anybody remember the Aerosmith video?
Author: Pumpkin
Date: 10-21-2011 - 15:24

Did anyone on this board work or have anything to do with the production of a few music videos of the band Aerosmith? One is a classic scene for (Living on the edge), jumping off the tracks before being hit. Also hoisted up, I think, but not sure #38 in the enginehouse. I need some memory correction please. Soo much fun to work on!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Does anybody remember the Aerosmith video? Pumpkin 10-21-2011 - 15:24
  Re: Does anybody remember the Aerosmith video? deano 10-21-2011 - 16:15
  Re: Does anybody remember the Aerosmith video? Jeff Moore 10-21-2011 - 16:29

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