Why Always Take Train Pictures in Bright Sunlight?
Author: Marty Bernard
Date: 10-22-2011 - 17:43

I purposely went out a couple of evenings ago when it was overcast for the rush hour at Auburn, WA. Nine train in about an hour: 4 Sounders, 2 Cascades, and 3 BNs. The shots I took would have not been possible with slide film because they all needed some adjustment in my electronic darkroom afterwards. I wanted them to look like a dark evening. Here's four. What do you think? Only bright sunlight?


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Why Always Take Train Pictures in Bright Sunlight? Marty Bernard 10-22-2011 - 17:43
  Oops, the Other Three Marty Bernard 10-22-2011 - 17:53
  Re: Oops, the Other Three Larry Orr 10-22-2011 - 21:05
  Re: Oops, the Other Three Marty Bernard 10-23-2011 - 06:21
  Re: Oops, the Other Three Erik H. 10-23-2011 - 08:00
  Re: Oops, the Other Three Marty 10-23-2011 - 08:50
  Re: Why Always Take Train Pictures in Bright Sunlight? Jim Fitzgerald 10-23-2011 - 14:50
  Re: Why Always Take Train Pictures in Bright Sunlight? beverlyhelper 10-23-2011 - 17:59
  Re: Why Always Take Train Pictures in Bright Sunlight? Michael Mahoney 10-25-2011 - 17:29

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