Winterail 2012
Author: Old Man
Date: 03-04-2012 - 14:55

This will be the first year I will be attending Winterail. I'm hoping some of you that have attended in the past can give me some pointers as to what to expect and any advice as to making my experience more enjoyable. I'm literally traveling from coast to coast for this event. I'm well past my youth and promise to bathe and use deoderant, as well as use good manners. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Winterail 2012 Old Man 03-04-2012 - 14:55
  Re: Winterail 2012 stash 03-04-2012 - 15:16
  Re: Winterail 2012 dinner break Tom Moungovan 03-04-2012 - 16:35
  Re: Winterail 2012 Bill Kohler 03-04-2012 - 15:27
  Re: Winterail 2012--offer to meet him? Carol L. Voss 03-04-2012 - 17:49
  Re: Winterail 2012--offer to meet him? Peter D. 03-05-2012 - 07:22
  Re: Winterail 2012--offer to meet him? George Andrews 03-05-2012 - 09:30
  Re: Winterail 2012--offer to meet him? Stevo del Applegato 03-05-2012 - 21:09
  Let's try this agaiin--someone want to offer to meet him? Carol L. Voss 03-05-2012 - 21:19
  Re: Let's try this agaiin--someone want to offer to meet him? George Andrews 03-06-2012 - 20:00
  Re: Let's try this again.../ OK Ole Man lets do this... Peter D. 03-07-2012 - 08:49
  Re: Let's try this again.../ OK Ole Man lets do this... Old Man 03-07-2012 - 21:21
  Re: Let's try this again.../ OK Ole Man lets do this... Bag of Wind 03-08-2012 - 08:49

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