Kelly Park trolley question
Author: Wondering Wanderer
Date: 08-31-2012 - 18:46

Does anyone have any info on trolley operation on the new line to the zoo at Kelly Park in San Jose? I talked to someone who volunteers there about a year ago, and he said they generally ran to the zoo on Saturdays only. Since I live two hours away, I'd like to maximize my chances of seeing the operation before driving down there. I'd also like to know how long after Labor Day they run (into the Fall?). I couldn't glean any information from the CTRC website, and they never replied to my email.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Kelly Park trolley question Wondering Wanderer 08-31-2012 - 18:46
  Re: Kelly Park trolley question Tie Plate 08-31-2012 - 20:26
  Re: Kelly Park trolley question Trains4 09-01-2012 - 13:56

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