Selling Magazines on eBay
Author: Freericks
Date: 09-19-2012 - 13:43

Anyone had any luck/success selling RR magazines on eBay? I posted a bunch (out of a huge amount I honestly need to sell) but have not gotten much of a reaction.

Looking at ended listings, it looks like they basically don't sell for others who are posting them too.

Specific questions -

1) Is it better to sell in large lots?

2) If it is better to sell individually, how does one list without having it take weeks at a time?

3) Anyone have any good hints?



Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Selling Magazines on eBay Freericks 09-19-2012 - 13:43
  Re: Selling Magazines on eBay Jeff Sloan 09-19-2012 - 14:22
  Re: Selling Magazines on eBay Pdxrailtransit 09-19-2012 - 17:46
  Re: Selling Magazines on eBay Tony Czuleger 09-19-2012 - 18:48
  Re: Selling Magazines on eBay Freericks 09-19-2012 - 19:04
  Old Jim Boyd Features Pdxrailtransit 09-19-2012 - 19:39
  Re: Old Jim Boyd Features Ken Shattock (KRK) 09-20-2012 - 05:40
  Re: Old Jim Boyd Features Jack S. 09-20-2012 - 07:08
  Re: Old Jim Boyd Features Garage Sale 09-22-2012 - 07:52
  Re: Old Jim Boyd Features Freericks 09-22-2012 - 09:27

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