Germany Invaded Luxembourg 100 Years Ago Today
Author: Pdxrailtransit
Date: 08-02-2014 - 11:16

And their main objective was railway junctions, tunnels, and bridges. Still to this day, Luxembourg serves as a vital junction point between Belgium, N. France, and NW Germany.

For background on the relationship between railways and the infamous Schleiffen Plan, please see my latest post on TrainWatchersJournal.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Germany Invaded Luxembourg 100 Years Ago Today Pdxrailtransit 08-02-2014 - 11:16
  links Pdxrailtransit 08-02-2014 - 11:39
  Post Pdxrailtransit 08-02-2014 - 12:11
  Re: Germany Invaded Luxembourg 100 Years Ago Today Chuck in Wallowa County 08-02-2014 - 12:21
  Re: Germany Invaded Luxembourg 100 Years Ago Today Tom McCann 08-02-2014 - 14:48
  Re: Germany Invaded Luxembourg 100 Years Ago Today pdxrailtransit 08-02-2014 - 15:44
  Re: Germany Invaded Luxembourg 100 Years Ago Today BOB R 08-02-2014 - 21:15
  Re: Germany Invaded Luxembourg 100 Years Ago Today pdxrailtransit 08-02-2014 - 21:28
  Re: Germany Invaded Luxembourg 100 Years Ago Today BOB R 08-04-2014 - 21:50

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