Re: Speaking of movies...
Author: Graham Buxton
Date: 11-20-2014 - 16:12

Sounds like "The Ambushers", filmed in Mexico according to this IMDB listing.

See the 5 star review by K Sherman at this Amazon page for a plot synopsis.
(scroll down a bit after the page loads)

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Speaking of movies... Kcjones 11-20-2014 - 14:22
  Re: Speaking of movies... Graham Buxton 11-20-2014 - 16:12
  Re: Speaking of movies... Kcjones 11-20-2014 - 16:48
  Re: Speaking of movies... HUTCH 7.62 11-20-2014 - 19:55
  Re: Speaking of movies... Another one 11-21-2014 - 04:14
  Re: Speaking of movies... I guess this counts too 11-21-2014 - 04:25
  Re: Speaking of movies... Kcjones 11-21-2014 - 19:05

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