Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store
Author: fkrock
Date: 02-06-2015 - 10:51

The skill needed for this job is communication. This woman has excellent credentials for her ability to communicate. I've seen lots of examples where a person who is an expert in his field cannot communicate clearly with the media and the business suffers as a result. We've had plenty of examples with railroads.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store Bruce Kelly 02-05-2015 - 18:47
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store Espee99 02-05-2015 - 19:11
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store HUTCH 7.62 02-06-2015 - 21:37
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store Nudge 02-05-2015 - 19:18
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store BOB R 02-05-2015 - 20:47
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store synonymouse 02-05-2015 - 22:20
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store Former DC DOT Bureaucrat 02-05-2015 - 23:09
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store What, me worry? 02-06-2015 - 10:15
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store fkrock 02-06-2015 - 10:51
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store OldPoleBurner 02-08-2015 - 22:31
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store Agent 99 02-07-2015 - 15:14
  Re: Look Who's Minding the (FRA) Store BOB R 02-07-2015 - 15:31

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