Re: Tacoma Rail Mtn. Division activity
Author: DCA
Date: 03-01-2015 - 22:10

It was only the engine ("light engine" meaning no train, which is what we called it when I last worked for a railroad, which has been many years. Also, in that era an engine with just a caboose was a "cab hop"). It was just the one unit. It may have left some well cars, or whatever else that might be stored south of Maytown, but I didn't see it going south. Certainly that particular unit could have pulled a lot of empties of any type on Tacoma Rail's Chehalis Branch. Since it was running in reverse it seems likely that it did haul something on its way down the branch, when it would have been running forward. I doubt the crew was just out for a stroll on a very nice February day, but...

Thanks to all who responded to my questions in my post on Feb. 28. I am still curious whether WRR now is operating north of Maytown and if so, how far. Based on the info on the signal control box at Tilley Rd. they are responsible for that crossing.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Tacoma Rail Mtn. Division activity DCA 02-28-2015 - 22:08
  Re: Tacoma Rail Mtn. Division activity GN Goat 03-01-2015 - 01:10
  Re: Tacoma Rail Mtn. Division activity Matt Farnsworth 03-01-2015 - 10:59
  Re: Tacoma Rail Mtn. Division activity BN Oly 03-01-2015 - 19:03
  Re: Tacoma Rail Mtn. Division activity DCA 03-01-2015 - 22:10
  Re: Tacoma Rail Mtn. Division activity GN Goat 03-05-2015 - 02:21

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