1980s Key System special
Author: Iron Rail
Date: 03-01-2015 - 18:48


All this discussion about BART and SMART and HSR and all these conservative "railfans" railing on transit.... Should really watch this. This was made in the friggin 80's people! Lets move on into the friggin 2000's like the rest of the damn world.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  1980s Key System special Iron Rail 03-01-2015 - 18:48
  Previously on AP WebDigger 03-01-2015 - 21:02
  Re: Previously on AP Iron Rail 03-01-2015 - 21:29
  Re: 1980s Key System special Brian Westgate 03-02-2015 - 08:31
  Re: 1980s Key System special Iron Rail 03-02-2015 - 17:43
  Re: 1980s Key System special Brian Westgate 03-03-2015 - 04:26
  Re: 1980s Key System special Chuck in Wallowa County 03-02-2015 - 14:23

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