Re: Pipe dreamin'
Author: david vartanoff
Date: 03-18-2015 - 19:42

While that would be fine, getting her out once a month on Caltrain would be really cool. A wonderful addition to the Cable Cars, F Market et al. A fine reason to cross the bay more often. And, other than getting her over to that ROW, it will not matter how uncooperative UP is.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Pipe dreamin' Bill Kohler 03-18-2015 - 06:59
  Re: Pipe dreamin' Goober 03-18-2015 - 09:22
  Re: Pipe dreamin' EPA? Iron rail 03-18-2015 - 20:39
  Re: Pipe dreamin' EPA? BOB2 03-19-2015 - 10:04
  Re: Pipe dreamin' EPA? Fred Jackson. 03-19-2015 - 10:12
  Re: Pipe dreamin' OT Local 03-18-2015 - 09:26
  Re: Pipe dreamin' Money Hater 03-18-2015 - 11:17
  Re: Pipe dreamin' Edward 03-18-2015 - 11:32
  Re: Pipe dreamin' >:p 03-18-2015 - 13:06
  Re: Pipe dreamin' Jim Speaker 03-18-2015 - 18:31
  Re: Pipe dreamin' david vartanoff 03-18-2015 - 19:42
  Re: Pipe dreamin' Craig Tambo 03-18-2015 - 21:42
  Re: Pipe dreamin' Espee99 03-18-2015 - 22:26

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