Re: Container Traffic
Author: George Andrews
Date: 08-25-2015 - 21:10

Based on the lack of available chassis at Port of Tacoma terminals, I'd say imports are doing quite well. Remember that West Coast importers are still trying to catch up from the Longshore Slowdown in late 2014 -- early 2015.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Container Traffic Mr. Knockey 08-23-2015 - 11:04
  Re: Container Traffic Bad News or Good News? BOB2 08-23-2015 - 13:04
  Re: Container Traffic Bad News or Good News? SP5103 08-23-2015 - 18:00
  Re: Container Traffic Bad News or Good News? Tom Joad 08-23-2015 - 22:34
  Re: Container Traffic Bad News or Good News? jst3751 08-24-2015 - 11:50
  Re: Container Traffic Can Man 08-25-2015 - 13:17
  Re: Container Traffic George Andrews 08-25-2015 - 21:10

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