Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad
Author: Spike
Date: 09-30-2015 - 19:01

trackwalker Wrote:
> Yes, they still are running. But taking two days
> to go 50 miles is pretty poor. Dumping a car just
> about every turn is pretty poor. When Frontier
> took over Lake County Ry, the track was in good
> shape, it had a 25 mph speed limit and track work
> was done on a regular basis. Right now it is
> listed as 10 mph and that is optimistic. They
> operate and do the absolute minimum maintenance.
> Sucking out every cent and leaving a junk pile is
> their business plan. Lake County had 6-8 people
> on the payroll either running trains or
> maintaining the track. Frontier has at best two
> operating and on occasion they hire more to clean
> up all the derailments. I am hoping when their
> contract runs out Lake County will take control
> again and operate it like it used to be.

When does their "contract" run out....?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad Jerry King 09-28-2015 - 19:49
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad George Andrews 09-28-2015 - 19:59
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad Stash 09-28-2015 - 20:29
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad trackwalker 09-28-2015 - 21:57
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad Spike 09-29-2015 - 18:23
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad Trailwalker 09-30-2015 - 06:53
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad trackwalker 09-30-2015 - 17:26
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad Spike 09-30-2015 - 19:01
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad BN Oly 09-30-2015 - 19:38
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad George Andrews 09-30-2015 - 20:41
  Re: Frontier Rail to run Royal Slope Railroad Jeff Moore 09-30-2015 - 21:44

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