Re: Railroad Newsline for Thursday, 05/01/08-Thousands Sign Petition
Author: BOB2
Date: 05-01-2008 - 10:55

Thousands sign petition for higher gas prices, more truck traffic, a lower standard of living, and less jobs? In Novato and the Chicago suburbs the simplistic lead the uninformed off of the cliff. There are some legitimate concerns, but we need real investment in grade separation and mitigation, real research into cleaner locomotives, and more, not less investment in the energy efficient railroad industry.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Railroad Newsline for Thursday, 05/01/08 Larry W. Grant 04-30-2008 - 20:10
  Re: Railroad Newsline for Thursday, 05/01/08-Thousands Sign Petition BOB2 05-01-2008 - 10:55

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