Re: [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 1937
Author: Craig Tambo
Date: 01-31-2016 - 21:01

That's pretty interesting how the derrick is working from inside the tunnel--the smoke must have been bad. I'm guessing the location is the east portal of Tunnel 2, west end of Allard siding. Anyone have more insight?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 1937 sp1269 01-31-2016 - 20:06
  Re: [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 1937 synonymouse 01-31-2016 - 20:12
  Re: [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 1937 George Andrews 01-31-2016 - 20:57
  Re: [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 1937 Ed Workman 02-01-2016 - 08:01
  Re: [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 2010 Ed Workman 02-01-2016 - 08:48
  Re: [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 1937 Craig Tambo 01-31-2016 - 21:01
  Re: [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 1937 Craig Tambo 01-31-2016 - 21:04
  Re: [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 1937 Pdxrailtransit 01-31-2016 - 23:08
  Re: [photo] Tehachapi derailment, 1937 Ken Shattock (KRK) 02-01-2016 - 07:40
  Tehachapi (1937 & 2010) derailments both miss signal! Luck or design? Dan 02-01-2016 - 12:41

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