Clinton and Transit & Railroads
Author: That Bus Guy
Date: 11-07-2016 - 18:53

Public Transit

Expand public transit options to lower transportation costs and unlock economic opportunity for Americans in opportunity deserts. Americans are increasingly living and working in and around urban communities, and they want a range of safe, affordable, convenient, and environmentally sustainable transportation options. But even as transit ridership grows dramatically across the country in communities of all sizes, transit investments have not kept pace with demand. This underinvestment is particularly costly for many low-income communities and communities of color, as a dearth of reliable and efficient public transportation options often creates a huge barrier to Americans attempting to build better lives. Clinton will prioritize and increase investments in public transit to connect Americans to jobs, spur economic growth, and improve quality of life in our communities. And she will encourage local governments to work with low-income communities to ensure that these investments are creating transit options that connect the unemployed and underemployed to the jobs they need. She will also support bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure—reducing carbon emissions, improving public health and safety, and further providing Americans with affordable transportation options.


Connect small businesses, farmers, and manufacturers to their customers and suppliers with a national freight investment program.U.S. transportation networks move nearly $48 billion in goods a day. Yet our insufficient freight infrastructure is preventing American businesses and farmers from reliably and efficiently moving their products to market, hurting U.S. consumers and damaging America’s ability to compete in the global economy. In fact, every year, U.S. businesses have to spend an extra $27 billion just in transportation costs because of congestion in our freight networks alone. Cargo trains can reach Chicago from Los Angeles in 48 hours, only to spend 30 hours crawling across Chicago itself. Clinton will make smart, coordinated investments that upgrade our aging rail tunnels and bridges, expand congested highway corridors, eliminate dangerous at-grade railway crossings, and build deeper port channels to accommodate the newest and largest cargo ships. Clinton will also focus on vital “intermodal” transfer points between trucks, rail, and ships—including the “last-mile connectors” between different modes, like the local roads that connect highways to ports. She is committed to initiating upgrades of at least the 25 most costly freight bottlenecks by the end of her first term.

Passenger Rail

Build a faster, safer, and higher capacity passenger rail system. Although more and more Americans are traveling via train, our passenger rail infrastructure is crumbling — slowing down journeys, limiting ridership, and making trains less safe. In some cases, crucial infrastructure is more than a century old. Clinton will invest in creating a world-leading passenger rail system to meet rapidly growing demand and build a more mobile America.

The above sections were copied from the following web page:

Hillary Clinton's Infrastructure Plan

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Clinton and Transit & Railroads That Bus Guy 11-07-2016 - 18:53
  Re: Clinton and Transit & Railroads stash 11-07-2016 - 19:02
  Mainstream Media Bias Right There Bennie M. 11-07-2016 - 19:14
  Re: Mainstream Media Bias Right There Agent 14 11-07-2016 - 19:46
  Re: Mainstream Media Bias Right There The Odd Duck 11-07-2016 - 22:03
  Re: Mainstream Media Bias Right There Railfan & Political Junkie 11-07-2016 - 19:54
  Re: Mainstream Media Bias Right There Lance 11-08-2016 - 15:51
  Re: Clinton and Transit & Railroads mook 11-07-2016 - 22:12
  Re: Get a Life! Ride a train today! Just Sayin? 11-08-2016 - 05:43
  Re: Get a Life! Ride a train today! Tired of the BS voter 11-08-2016 - 14:01
  Re: Get a Life! Ride a train today! Railfan & Political Junkie 11-08-2016 - 15:46
  Re: Clinton and Transit & Railroads Kenn 11-08-2016 - 15:47

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