Re: How to get fired: report a track defect.
Author: Mike
Date: 07-26-2017 - 11:56

Shortline Sammie Wrote:
> News report is that "OSHA" is involved....since
> when have they replaced the FRA on rail safety
> issues?
> The last OSHA inspector we encountered was ten
> years ago when we had a manlift PROPERLY secured
> to a flatcar trimming trees. He tried to flex his
> muscles saying this wasn't a railroad operation,
> that what we were doing was unsafe and that he had
> the authority to write a citation. I promptly
> showed him the flatcar wheels on the rails
> assuring him it WAS a railroad operation, ushered
> him off the property and threatened to write him a
> trespassing citation if he returned.
> Never heard another word.
> Dick Samuels
> Oregon Pacific Railroad

That's how its done

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  How to get fired: report a track defect. News at midnite 07-25-2017 - 23:38
  Re: How to get fired: report a track defect. HoggerWash 07-26-2017 - 08:20
  Re: How to get fired: report a track defect. Shortline Sammie 07-26-2017 - 11:38
  Re: How to get fired: report a track defect. Mike 07-26-2017 - 11:56
  Re: How to get fired: report a track defect. tundraboomer 07-26-2017 - 12:26

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