Re: Man screaming death threats terrorizes BART train
Author: Steve
Date: 07-26-2017 - 14:10

From the land of fruits and nuts Wrote:
> []
> ing-death-threats-terrorizes-BART-train-11413766.p
> hp

The guy got denied re assignment surgery and entry into the US Marine corp. California needs more mental health crisis people on those trains these days
Just sayin'

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Man screaming death threats terrorizes BART train From the land of fruits and nuts 07-26-2017 - 13:09
  Re: Man screaming death threats terrorizes BART train espee2472 07-26-2017 - 13:38
  Re: Man screaming death threats terrorizes BART train Hutch 7.62 07-26-2017 - 14:01
  Re: Man screaming death threats terrorizes BART train HUTCH 7.62 07-26-2017 - 14:14
  Re: Man screaming death threats terrorizes BART train tundraboomer 07-26-2017 - 15:01
  Re: Man screaming death threats terrorizes BART train HUTCH 7.62 07-26-2017 - 16:21
  Re: Man screaming death threats terrorizes BART train Steve 07-26-2017 - 14:10

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