Re: STB letter to Hunter Harrison
Author: espee2472
Date: 07-28-2017 - 16:27

david vartanoff Wrote:
> No surprise, but nice to at least see them speak
> up. Something about actually serving one's
> customer base.
> []
> orrespondence/2017/STB%20to%20CSX%20Harrison%20Jul
> y%202017.pdf

EHH, the spawn on carl icahn

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  STB letter to Hunter Harrison david vartanoff 07-28-2017 - 12:43
  Re: STB letter to Hunter Harrison espee2472 07-28-2017 - 13:16
  Re: STB letter to Hunter Harrison espee2472 07-28-2017 - 16:27
  Re: STB letter to Hunter Harrison Espee99 07-28-2017 - 17:00
  Re: STB letter to Hunter Harrison Aidan 07-28-2017 - 18:02

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