Re: Close humpyards, blame employee pushback for CSX meltdown.
Author: david vartanoff
Date: 08-01-2017 - 21:43

Machiavelli was much smarter than EHH. Blaming employee pushback may resonate w/ the crooks on Wall Street and right wingers in general, but Harry Truman's comment stands. "The buck..." meaning the boss's desk. Next I expect him to claim that the prformance metrics are fake news.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Close humpyards, blame employee pushback for CSX meltdown. Pdxrailtransit 08-01-2017 - 19:24
  Re: Close humpyards, blame employee pushback for CSX meltdown. david vartanoff 08-01-2017 - 21:43
  Re: Close humpyards, blame employee pushback for CSX meltdown. Pdxrailtransit 08-02-2017 - 14:33
  Re: Close humpyards, blame employee pushback for CSX meltdown. Tard one 08-04-2017 - 10:43

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