Re: SMART beverage bar?
Author: Erik H.
Date: 08-03-2017 - 12:57

Edward Wrote:
> The "bistro" exists but I didn't make any of the free rides so don't know if it is in use

Wasn't in use the time I rode it in mid-July. Trains were so crowded, you wouldn't have been able to get to it anyways.

Frankly, they should get rid of them as that space would be far better used for more seating. Have bistros/cafes at the stations instead.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  SMART beverage bar? curious II 08-02-2017 - 21:37
  Re: SMART beverage bar? Edward 08-02-2017 - 21:47
  Re: SMART beverage bar? Edward 08-02-2017 - 21:54
  Re: SMART beverage bar? Mike Pechner 08-03-2017 - 00:11
  Re: SMART beverage bar? curious II 08-03-2017 - 05:37
  Re: SMART beverage bar? David i 08-03-2017 - 10:38
  Re: SMART beverage bar? Erik H. 08-03-2017 - 12:57
  Re: SMART beverage bar? Edward 08-03-2017 - 13:47
  Re: SMART beverage bar? Boberama 08-03-2017 - 19:38
  Re: SMART beverage bar? Erik H. 08-03-2017 - 22:48
  Re: SMART beverage bar? synonymouse 08-03-2017 - 23:53

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