Re: Auto train
Author: Hey Mister ButtWipe.
Date: 09-17-2017 - 00:01

Cprr Wrote:
> Wanna Know Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Is this your first post here, ButtWipe?
> 1. No
> 2. Just letting people know about the train. Sorry
> this offended you.
> 3. And that is Mister ButtWipe to you......

Oilcans are heading south tonight.
UP 2727 south. Might be your way of
Chatsworth about 5 am.
Good night BW!
Sorry Mr. BW.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Auto train Cprr 09-16-2017 - 13:07
  Re: Auto train Wanna Know 09-16-2017 - 20:25
  Re: Auto train T 09-16-2017 - 20:43
  Re: Auto train Cprr 09-16-2017 - 21:26
  Re: Auto train Hey Mister ButtWipe. 09-17-2017 - 00:01
  Re: Auto train Chuck 09-17-2017 - 04:26

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