Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th
Author: Mel
Date: 09-19-2017 - 17:30

Memo Man Wrote:
> Tommy J will be running 942 and Melvin on 717
> should MRX be on 3100? Isn't Tommy J the Supt of
> Road Engines?

NO! Tommy J is the new UPRR Los Angeles Service unit who replaced the fired UP
LASU Superintendent. Tommy is changing a lot of work rules since we won't have a National Contract for a few years.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Jason 09-18-2017 - 09:42
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Mat 09-18-2017 - 20:28
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th USS Enterprise 09-18-2017 - 21:12
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Memo Man 09-19-2017 - 12:25
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Mel 09-19-2017 - 17:30
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Tommy J 09-19-2017 - 19:31
  Re: UP LA Service unit family day September 30th Tom3751 09-19-2017 - 13:11

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