Thanks for 501 info.
Author: Ross Hall
Date: 12-22-2017 - 23:38

Overall, even with the complainers and trolls, I've learned much more about the 501 crash here than anywhere else. The popular media doesn't know what they are talking about most of the time, but won't admit it, so they get pretty far off track about the events. I've learned a great deal here about the accident and have gained much from the many useful links that have been shared. Even the speculation here is of better quality than the general media offers. I hope people continue to share information here and I will continue to pray for the recovery of those hurt. Thanks to all who have taken the time to share.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Thanks for 501 info. Ross Hall 12-22-2017 - 23:38
  Re: Thanks for 501 info. GRRR 12-23-2017 - 10:08
  Re: Thanks for 501 info. BOB R 12-23-2017 - 12:05
  question about 501 information Steamer 12-24-2017 - 08:03
  Re: question about 501 information Hot Water 12-24-2017 - 08:27
  Re: question about 501 information steamer 12-24-2017 - 09:08
  Re: question about 501 information Dr Zarkoff 12-24-2017 - 11:13
  Re: question about 501 information OPRRMS 12-24-2017 - 10:25
  Re: question about 501 information tundraboomer 12-24-2017 - 11:26
  Re: question about 501 information OPRRMS 12-24-2017 - 11:31
  Re: question about 501 information tundraboomer 12-24-2017 - 11:33
  Re: question about 501 information Nudge 12-25-2017 - 15:37
  Re: question about 501 information Steamer 12-26-2017 - 18:07

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