Re: 3 count 'em 3 conspiracy theories in one!
Author: synonymouse
Date: 02-01-2018 - 10:22

Quelle farce!

You are not talking about a genuine audit you are talking whitewash. The Democratic Party patronage machine which runs California with an iron fist is not going to change Jerry's Legacy one iota. Mo matter if it amounts to a colossal failure. An infrastructure civil works lobby welfare project, like the Peripheral Canal and its clones. What choice do you have on the ballot: Gavin or Villa? Ideological twins.

CAHSR to Palmdale is Jerry's Versailles. T.S. if it doesn't benefit the peasant masses. Come to think of it of what value was Versailles then or now other than a tourist attraction?

And in Spain a brute but similar example:


"L'Etat a-t-il favorisé l'intérêt des entreprises de travaux public au détriment des riverains du Tage, à l'époque ?"

"the interest of public works enterprises" - precisely.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Audit of CAHSR synonymouse 01-31-2018 - 18:48
  3 count 'em 3 conspiracy theories in one! Commenter 01-31-2018 - 19:10
  Re: 3 count 'em 3 conspiracy theories in one! Ed Workman 02-01-2018 - 07:25
  Re: 3 count 'em 3 conspiracy theories in one! BOB2 02-01-2018 - 07:59
  Re: 3 count 'em 3 conspiracy theories in one! Ed Workman 02-01-2018 - 09:29
  Re: 3 count 'em 3 conspiracy theories in one! synonymouse 02-01-2018 - 10:22
  Make that 4... and counting Commenter 02-01-2018 - 11:15

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