Icon Request for Altamont Press
Author: Alan C. Miller
Date: 02-10-2007 - 11:48

I do quite a lot of rail reading daily and have Altamont Press as a tab in my browser most of the time.

A lot of web pages nowdays have an icon that goes with the page which shows up in my browser's tab. It would be really helpful to me if Altamont Press could adopt an Orange A or some such. As it is now, it just goes to the default. If anyone could tell the good people at Altamont Press how to do this and/or send them a simple graphic, that would be great. I would if I knew how.

--Alan C. Miller

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Icon Request for Altamont Press Alan C. Miller 02-10-2007 - 11:48
  Re: Icon Request for Altamont Press Jim Fitzgerald 02-10-2007 - 13:10
  Re: Icon Request for Altamont Press Alan C. Miller 02-10-2007 - 14:09
  Re: Icon Request for Altamont Press Bozotexino 02-10-2007 - 17:50
  Re: Icon Request for Altamont Press Chris 02-15-2007 - 14:25
  Re: Icon Request for Altamont Press Roger Beckett 02-12-2007 - 17:28

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