Re: BNSF Grain Train Derailment Cut Bank, MT
Author: Braapppp
Date: 08-03-2018 - 07:30

Ya. Not even close. Bridge sustained minor damage that is fixed. Track is repaired temporarily. It’s single track now. Trains are already moving across as of 0830 mountain time 8/3.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  BNSF Grain Train Derailment Cut Bank, MT Bruce Kelly 08-02-2018 - 16:33
  Re: BNSF Grain Train Derailment Cut Bank, MT George Andrews 08-02-2018 - 20:41
  Re: BNSF Grain Train Derailment Cut Bank, MT Northern Snowman 08-03-2018 - 04:52
  Re: BNSF Grain Train Derailment Cut Bank, MT Retired 08-03-2018 - 05:31
  Re: BNSF Grain Train Derailment Cut Bank, MT Braapppp 08-03-2018 - 07:30

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