Re: One Very Long Diesel
Author: boring details
Date: 12-27-2018 - 00:52

Error correction: DDA40X was produced 1969-71, not 1960. Fumble fingers...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  One Very Long Diesel Pdxrailtransit 12-25-2018 - 13:35
  Re: One Very Long Diesel Berg 12-25-2018 - 16:59
  Re: One Very Long Diesel Berg 12-25-2018 - 17:02
  Re: One Very Long Diesel WebDigger 12-25-2018 - 20:36
  Re: One Very Long Diesel Berg 12-26-2018 - 08:39
  Re: One Very Long Diesel B6sa 12-26-2018 - 16:25
  Re: One Very Long Diesel boring details 12-26-2018 - 20:04
  Re: One Very Long Diesel boring details 12-26-2018 - 20:25
  Re: One More Very Long Diesel sklinck1 12-27-2018 - 00:19
  Re: One Very Long Diesel boring details 12-27-2018 - 00:52
  Re: One Very Long Diesel -- Union Pacific's DDA40X [UtahRails] WebDigger 12-27-2018 - 12:00
  Re: One Very Long Diesel Pdxrailtransit 12-25-2018 - 17:51
  Re: One Very Long Diesel U-50 Ross Hall 12-27-2018 - 16:32

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