Re: GGRM Move Imminent
Author: E9A
Date: 03-08-2019 - 17:25

BW Wrote:
> G.Poindexter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > BW Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Are the UP steamers all roller bearing axles?
> >
> > So what's your point?
> The point is that if UP doesn't allow a move of
> GGRM plain bearing equipment on their track, they
> should be consistently applying the same
> requirement to their own vintage equipment.

I don't know how many times it has to be said to make
some people understand it, but UP inspected it and
FRA inspected it, then UP inspected it again and
accepted it for interchange for this move. That MAY
have changed while UP drug their feet hoping GGRM
would just go away.

> I don't consider plain bearings inferior in the
> historic setting. Other than an occasional hot
> box, they worked well for over a hundred years.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  GGRM Move Imminent Question 03-06-2019 - 15:45
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent SBN 03-06-2019 - 16:14
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent I know 03-06-2019 - 16:21
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent I know 03-06-2019 - 16:20
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent BW 03-07-2019 - 17:27
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent Hot Water 03-07-2019 - 17:38
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent G.Poindexter 03-07-2019 - 18:54
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent :p 03-07-2019 - 21:03
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent G.Poindexter 03-08-2019 - 10:16
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent Hot Water 03-08-2019 - 11:36
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent BW 03-08-2019 - 12:35
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent Wot Hater 03-08-2019 - 13:54
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent E9A 03-08-2019 - 17:29
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent E9A 03-08-2019 - 17:25
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent Lima 03-08-2019 - 17:40
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent Hot Water 03-08-2019 - 17:56
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent Negin 03-09-2019 - 01:49
  Re: GGRM Move Imminent ! 03-09-2019 - 13:00

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