Re: Alco PA fired up
Author: B6sb
Date: 08-04-2019 - 18:52

Craig Tambo Wrote:
> Wow, I had no idea it was operable. I thought the
> two at Puebla were just wrecked hulks. Note also
> the S-BC FT just ahead of it. Worth a visit, I'd
> say.

The two wrecks were the ones that came back to the
USA. Mexico kept the best two, which were not wrecked.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Alco PA fired up Joe Cullum 08-01-2019 - 21:43
  Re: Alco PA fired up Craig Tambo 08-01-2019 - 22:06
  Re: Alco PA fired up Eric Gonzales 08-01-2019 - 23:01
  Re: Alco PA fired up OPRRMS 08-01-2019 - 23:20
  Re: Alco PA fired up OPRRMS 08-01-2019 - 23:41
  Re: Alco PA fired up OPRRMS 08-01-2019 - 23:28
  Re: Alco PA fired up Craig Tambo 08-02-2019 - 15:02
  Re: Alco PA fired up B6sb 08-04-2019 - 18:39
  Re: Alco PA fired up B6sb 08-04-2019 - 18:52
  Re: Alco PA fired up Joe Cullum 08-02-2019 - 09:48

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