Re: BART officials have extended their condolences to the victim’s family.
Author: <>
Date: 08-20-2019 - 11:58

WTF????? Wrote:
> Should be "BART officials have extended their
> condolences to the passengers for being held
> hostage"

OH! YA! Who speaks for those held hostage for hours? That pay the wages and overtime of the police (aka hostage takers) and wages of the BART employees and the costs of the inevitable law suits!!!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  BART fatality at Powell St. station yesterday synonymouse 08-19-2019 - 10:20
  BART officials have extended their condolences to the victim’s family. WTF????? 08-19-2019 - 10:45
  Re: BART officials have extended their condolences to the victim’s family. <> 08-20-2019 - 11:58

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