career options
Author: rotolock
Date: 11-26-2006 - 10:12

I would like to see some intelligent answers to a few questions and while there are those out there in RR profession who may not have the best opinion or thoughts about the RR profession, I'm looking for those who can answer these questions with real intelligent answers:

1) If one graduates from a RR trade school teaching the RR profession (the trade school could be anywhere in the USA), is the person who gains employment with a RR put to work immediately ?

2) If no to the above question, on the average, how much time (days or hours) does a newly hired person have to wait and is the "cycle" time in place until the person gains certain level of senority ?

3) Despite what has been written and heard from those in the RR profession about the weird work hours/days, does a person (new hire/trainee) work nearly every day or is there a certain number days the person works before being given time off or day(s) off ?

4) With regards to the above question, on the average, how much time and/or day(s) off is generally given before being expected back to work ?

5) If asked by the RR about relocating to another locale, does the RR work with the person in knowing that it sometimes takes time to find a place to reside or is it a rush-rush thing ?

6) Is any RR more receptive to a person seeking out the RR profession who is in his/her late 20's to mid 40's over that of a person in their late 40's to mid 50's ?

7) Of a newly hired person, what are/is the more enduring obstacles they have to overcome ?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  career options rotolock 11-26-2006 - 10:12
  Re: career options Steven D. Johnson 11-26-2006 - 12:30
  Re: career options Bob Yarger 11-26-2006 - 12:40

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