Re: Two SW's and a Stingray
Author: J Mann
Date: 09-22-2020 - 09:51

This post made me smile. I had an orange 5-speed Schwinn Stingray. It was a cool bike in 1968.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Two SW's and a Stingray SP 0-6-0 09-22-2020 - 09:20
  Re: Two SW's and a Stingray J Mann 09-22-2020 - 09:51
  Re: Two SW's and a Stingray NdeM 09-22-2020 - 09:54
  Re: Two SW's and a Stingray Pdxrailtransit 09-22-2020 - 10:11
  Re: Two SW's and a Stingray AZebra 09-22-2020 - 11:06
  Where's the sd45 with the Huffy photo? Mr. Enigma 09-22-2020 - 11:16
  Re: Where's the sd45 with the Huffy photo? OP 09-22-2020 - 12:00
  Re: Two SW's and a Stingray Pdxrailtransit 09-22-2020 - 12:23
  Re: Two SW's and a Stingray Craig Tambo 09-22-2020 - 15:22
  Win with Schwinn-my ride to the Douglas wye yard Skip (the rest) 09-22-2020 - 16:26
  Re: Win with Schwinn-my ride to the Douglas wye yard George Andrews 09-22-2020 - 19:38

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