Steering Wheels On Freight Cars: History
Author: Ricardo B.C. Vin de Schell de Ville
Date: 09-26-2020 - 22:23

Did freight cars always have steering wheels? With a train, training would train the trainees to realize that the direction of the train was trained by the rails, like a trail, not the steering wheels.

But freight cars have steering wheels.

Do they really help?

Steering wheels are good on cars when on the road but not on the rails. Can we ever make a truly self-steering car, for rails or roads? Including railroads in the rails section of the previous sentence.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Steering Wheels On Freight Cars: History Ricardo B.C. Vin de Schell de Ville 09-26-2020 - 22:23
  Re: Steering Wheels On Freight Cars: History BNSF1995 09-26-2020 - 22:28
  Re: Steering Wheels On Freight Cars: History Umm 09-26-2020 - 23:27
  Re: Steering Wheels On Freight Cars: History Ricardo B.C. Vin de Schell de Ville 09-26-2020 - 22:31
  Not Phoenix, 1922 WebDigger 09-27-2020 - 00:17
  Re: Steering Wheels On Freight Cars: History shuishui 09-27-2020 - 01:52
  Re: Steering Wheels On Freight Cars: History Die Hard 09-27-2020 - 09:48

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